Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Learn more about this project

Press space to start, and tell him your name (using the character namer), and just say cool or yep to his other questions XD

Monday, January 21, 2013

New Contest! "What if"

The first ever...
Science Tab Contest!

     You heard correctly folks! The first ever science tab contest: "What if"! I thought of it today while in the car with my mom who told me a few basics about driving. You know how they always tell you to be careful and stuff, but then I thought: "Wouldn't it be safer to ride bumper cars on the street? There would be no accidents, less road kill, et cetera!"

     So I want you all to come up with how driving bumper cars could be better or worse. List the pros and cons, and if you want, give me another way to.... Well, I guess I can make that the next contest. 

     What do you mean? What were you gonna say?
You'll just have to wait and see! Comment or send an e-mail, and in a few days I will announce the winner. 

~ Cya Scientists!

Try it! Experiment: Dissolve it

Hey guys! You know, there are some questions in the world like, "Which rocks fizz in certain things and which rocks don't?" Well you can do an experiment and find out!

What you'll need:
- Several different types of rocks and minerals
- Four clear cups
- Plain Canada dry Ginger Ale
- Water
- Vinegar
- A drink or liquid of your choice
and last but not least,
- a magnifying glass

1. Pour each drink into a cup
2. Put a few rocks in each cup
3. Use a magnifying glass to see everything more closely
4. Write the results
5. Put the different rocks in different cups and switch it up
6. Repeat steps 3-5 until you have enough info
7. Look over notes; which rocks dissolved and which ones didn't?

Have fun with your experiment and be sure to comment on what happened!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Super Sphere!

Did I mention that Science Tab is also for 3D art and graphics? Well it is!

Sup yo?

This was made using Scratch

How to make a jetpack!

Courtesy of Misha, who said the diet coke and mentos could power a skateboard, but i thought, why not a jetpack?

^The plan^

Make your own science tab Part 1

Wanna make your own place for writing experiments and things? Well you can make a S-Tab from scratch!

Step 1: Open a text editor like Notepad or Notepad++
Step 2: Start out with something like:

Step 3: Save it as Tab.html
Step 4: You can edit the page by using things like:
<body bground color="white">
<body text="red">